Professor Ian Walden’s Inaugural Lecture: Porn, Pipes and the State – 3 February 2010

January 27, 2010

Queen Mary University of London has made Ian Walden a Professor. Ian has a high profile among IT lawyers and Internet specialists, with many years of experience as a Board member of the Internet Watch Foundation and his recent appointment as a member of the Press Complaints Commission as well as his long-standing role at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary.

His inaugural lecture is entitled Porn, Pipes and the State: regulating Internet content. It is to be given on Wednesday 3 February at 6.30 pm at the Skeel Lecture Theatre at Queen Mary. It is open to the public and is free but you must email for seats.

Since many would argue that porn has led the way in many Internet developments, there are clearly lessons for all that arise from the attempts to regulate it (successes and failures) and much can be learned too from the philosophy that underpins the restrictions that we impose upon Internet porn.

There is more on the lecture at