Fame, Trains and Hypervisors

March 24, 2010

In the 1960s Andy Warhol claimed that {i}In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes{/i}. That’s as may be (personally I’m still waiting for my close up Mr DeMille) but 15 minutes is a very short period of time – and 15 minutes is (approximately) all that it will take you to travel from Euston to Watford. Why go? Because you want and need to know about augmented reality and hypervisors of course.

{Augmented Reality and Hypervisors – cash or friends – what would you rather have?: http://www.scl.org/site.aspx?i=ev15617} is the topic for the next meeting of the SCL North London and Home Counties on Wednesday 21 April. Speakers Paul Tennent and Andrew Joint will provide a valuable insight into this new “science fiction in our time” from both a practical and a legal perspective.

SCL regional group meetings are inevitably more intimate than those held in The City but this gives them extra appeal – as past delegates have pointed out “The North London Group brings out the wisdom of the crowd” and “there was a very good atmosphere at this meeting as usual”.

Apply to attend this meeting {online now: http://www.scl.org/site.aspx?i=ev15617} or email caroline.gould@scl.org to reserve your place and request an invoice.