SCL Conference 2010 Session 3

October 14, 2010

Barry Jennings amused with his world-weary reference to the number of people who had told him that there was nothing new about cloud computing. But certainly convinced me very quickly that it was a radical change in many areas. Having said that, I am not sure I see the difference between a private cloud and an outsourced service. But, apparently, we will all end up in the hybrid cloud anyway.

Barry does not see the cloud as elbowing outsourcing out of the way completely but his reference to a change in the ‘lawyering’ expectations is very significant.

What was certainly significant was Nicky Stewart’s presentation on the G-cloud. I wonder if I was the only one who was trembling at the prospect of the cuts facing suppliers – and it is not as if I will lose any money. The G-cloud will change the face of government computing supply and, while it all sounds wonderful, it will be an interesting few months. And this is interesting as in terrifying. It is a black cloud for suppliers.