BILETA Conference: Call for Papers

October 17, 2010

The 26th Annual Conference of the British & Irish Law, Education & and Technology Association will be hosted by Manchester Metropolitan University.  The overall theme of the conference is “Harnessing technology’s full potential; minimising potential threats“.  This is an international conference which has a wide scope encompassing issues relating to the law and technology, and using technology to teach law.  Relevant areas include: 

E-learning and legal education                           Cyberwarfare

Regulation of ISPs and Intellectual Property                  E-commerce

Internet censorship and surveillance                               Fraud and the Internet

Cyberterrorism                                                 ICANN

E-government                                                               Globalisation

Data protection                                                 Privacy

The proposed EU Patent Court                         Google

Hacking and viruses                


The Call for Papers can be found at: 

Please contact Dr Catherine Easton with any queries.