SCL Standard-form IT Services Contract: Working Meeting

February 27, 2013

Last week SCL’s current chair Roger Bickerstaff and immediate past chair Clive Davies combined to produce a blog post. The subject which inspired these distinguished colleagues to put pen to paper was the intriguing and much debated topic of a standard IT services contract. The blog post suggested that the time may be right for such a development.

SCL is considering taking up the challenge and is to review the viability of developing and promoting such a standard, perhaps producing something that will rival the status of standard-form contracts in other industries such as construction.

The blog post has generated a lot of interest amongst members and an initial meeting to discuss the concept in more detail is taking place at Bird & Bird on 12th March from 5pm – 7pm.

This is intended to be a working meeting for people who are interested in becoming actively involved in the contract development process. It is open only to SCL members and numbers must be limited. SCL will hold further public events to review and publicise the draft contract as and when (and if) it is developed. 

If you have not already told Roger or Clive that you would like to participate and attend this inaugural meeting and would now like to do so, please send an e-mail to headed Standard-form Contract.