SCL Northern Group, Armageddon and Fun

August 21, 2013

The SCL Northern Group’s relaunch meeting promises a fantastic combination of entertaining and informative speakers, a new form of fun presentation and a brilliant venue. But this is more than just a meeting – this is a chance to get involved with a newly invigorated SCL Group, with a new Chair and eager committee, that is dedicated to making SCL meetings work as efficient knowledge and skills sharpening vehicles and as unmissable social events.

The first event, Armageddon in Cyberspace, has two of the most engaging of speakers in IT law – Alex Carter-Silk and Daithí Mac Síthigh. Anyone who has heard these two speak will be aware that their views are always clear, sometimes very unorthodox, but are delivered with unfailing wit and panache. That they are addressing a topic which practically demands forthrightness should make for a memorable occasion.

The event also features a fun Pecha Kucha session, complete with prize. PechaKucha 20×20 is a presentation format where a person shows 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and the trick is to talk along to the images without losing the plot. It is a technique causing a great stir in the so-called creative world – creative SCL members will no doubt show them how it is done.

The event might not just tempt those from the Group’s normal catchment area, especially bearing in mind that it is to be held at the Doubletree Hotel in Leeds, one of that city’s top venues with its famous SkyLounge; anyone from north of Falmouth is welcome.

Northern Group Chair Shelley Thomas and the rest of the Northern Group Committee are working hard on an on-going programme of high standard events.

You can get full details of the event here.

This event is sponsored by itgroup