Special Deal for Trainees

February 17, 2014

You worked hard to pass all those exams. You worked hard, and were dead lucky, to get a training contract or pupillage. You worked hard to sharpen specialist knowledge on IT and all related areas. You even read terms and conditions on web sites and get funny looks from your friends because you know what privacy policies actually say. And, of course, your law firm employers expect you to work hard and know everything – especially your place.

Being a trainee is not a bed of roses.  And while your bosses quickly became acknowledged IT law specialists, with numerous stars in directories for ‘industry knowledge’, because they programmed a Sinclair ZX in 1984, if you cannot develop an app in your lunch-hour (sorry, lunch-minute), you are a know-nothing.  To put the cap on it, you have got where you are, through all those struggles, and now you realise that by the time you make associate, the computers will be running law firms and doling out 90% of the advice – you will only have a career if you agree to a mind-merge. Did we mention money? Best not – money’s too hard to mention.

SCL has sympathy and, more constructively, a very special offer. Trainee solicitors, pupil barristers and devils are entitled to apply for free membership of SCL until they qualify.  We want to encourage you in honing your knowledge of IT law. Even if that might not be an area for future specialism, it is hard to imagine a commercial lawyer of the next generation who does not have a good competence in all IT law issues. This category of membership will include full access to the content of the web site and attendance at SCL events at the members’ rate but not a hard copy of the SCL magazine. 

Prospective new members who are trainees should fill out our trainee membership application form. This special deal will not be available in retrospect and will only be open to new members of SCL.