CCTV: ICO Consults on Revised Code

May 19, 2014

The ICO has published a consultation document relating to its revised code of practice on CCTV. The revised code of practice is intended to replace the last revision which was published in 2008.

The aim of this latest revision is said to be:

·         to reflect the developments in existing technologies that have taken place in the last six years,

·         to discuss the emergence of new surveillance technologies and the issues they present,

·         to reflect further policy development in areas such as privacy impact assessments,

·         to explain the impact that new case law has had on the area of surveillance systems

·         to reflect the wider regulatory environment that exists when using surveillance systems.

Jonathan Bamford, Head of Strategic Liason at the ICO, states that the revision covers ‘everything from automatic recognition of car number plates to flying drones’ but emphasises that the underlying principles remain the same.

Consultation response document (pdf)
Consultation response document (Word)

Draft – revised CCTV code of practice (pdf)

Responses to the consultation must be submitted by 1 July 2014.