SCL Annual Lecture 2016: Upgrading justice

April 6, 2016

On 6 October 2016, Professor Richard Susskind OBE, the SCL President, is to give the SCL Annual Lecture on ‘Upgrading Justice’. This is Richard Susskind’s third appearance as an SCL lecturer, having given lectures in 1996 and 2006. In completing the trilogy, Richard aims to assess his original predictions, both those that have come to pass and those that missed the mark, and to discuss the main lessons he has learned. He will go on to offer new predictions – tailored for a time when online courts look set to become a reality and online legal guidance a commonplace, and when remarkable progress is being made in artificial intelligence and robotics.

You can book your place now. The event is free of charge for SCL members and costs £70 plus VAT for non-members. The venue is the Royal College of Surgeons – an appropriate venue given that many think that the justice system is in need of serious surgery.

A pioneer in the field of information technology and law, Professor Richard Susskind OBE is an author, speaker, and independent adviser to international professional firms and national governments. He is IT Adviser to the Lord Chief Justice of England, Chair of the Advisory Board of the Oxford Internet Institute and President of SCL. His numerous books include the best-sellers, The End of Lawyers? (OUP, 2008), Tomorrow’s Lawyers (OUP, 2013) and The Future of the Professions: How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts (OUP 2015), his work has been translated into more than 10 languages, and he has been invited to speak in over 40 countries.