IFCLA Conference Taster Articles

May 11, 2016

The June/July issue of {i}Computers & Law{/i} will feature articles from speakers at the {IFCLA Conference 2016: http://www.scl.org/site.aspx?i=ev42040}. The topics covered range across the spectrum of current legal and tech concerns: FinTech, healthcare augmented by technology, cybersecurity, IoT and data analytics, the Digital Single Market and blockchain to name just a few.

Two taster articles from IFCLA Conference speakers have now been posted on the SCL website.

You can read {Kenny Robertson on FinTech: http://www.scl.org/site.aspx?i=ed47629} – with digital disruption high on the agenda for organisations working in the financial services industry, Kenny looks at the importance of APIs and what the adoption of progressive API strategies might bring with particular reference to his own employer, RBS.

Kenny Robertson’s piece is one of the most practically focused. For a flavour of some of the more speculative articles to come, you can read {Indra Spiecker genannt Doehmann on the effects ‘Industry 4.0’ will have on the legal system and the ‘contrat social’ of our society: http://www.scl.org/site.aspx?i=ed47630}, as exemplified by the effects on health care. Indra Spiecker is one of the speakers at the IFCLA Conference on the topic ‚ Industry 4.0: Legal Impacts of Robotics including Driverless Cars.

Of course, these two articles are just tasters for the articles that will appear in {i}Computers & Law{/i}. We have space there for only a quarter of the speakers at the IFCLA Conference. To get the full IFCLA Conference experience and to hear the full range of international speakers, including a series of top names and keynotes from Professor Richard Susskind OBE and tech guru Misha Dohler, you will have to attend the Conference itself.