IFCLA Conference 2016: Special Issue Articles

May 31, 2016

The June/July issue of Computers & Law will feature articles from speakers at the {IFCLA Conference 2016: http://www.scl.org/site.aspx?i=ev42040}, which is SCL’s major event in 2016 (replacing the annual SCL conference). We have already posted four ‘taster articles’ from speakers at the Conference. We are making two more available today.

The topics covered at the IFCLA Conference range across the spectrum of current legal and tech concerns: FinTech, healthcare augmented by technology, cybersecurity, IoT and data analytics, the Digital Single Market and blockchain to name just a few. With a real likelihood of constructive debate across that range of topics and with input from so many different perspectives at the Conference (who knows, we might ‘sort’ the Privacy Shield), the articles themselves cannot do the event much justice but are of great value in their own right.

The first new article is from {IFCLA President Roger Bickerstaff: http://www.scl.org/site.aspx?i=ed47771}. He raises real concerns about the EU Commission’s basic approach on the DSM. Our second piece is from one of the IFCLA Conference speakers from the USA, {Aravind Swaminathan (written with his colleagues, Kolvin Stone and Christian Schröder): http://www.scl.org/site.aspx?i=ed47773}. They highlight the cybersecurity dangers that will be very fully aired at the Conference.

Don’t overlook Joachim Scherwin’s piece, {‘Humans, Machines and Regulators: http://www.scl.org/site.aspx?i=ed47679}, an enlightened and opinionated look at the prospects for innovation in financial services, or Bojana Bellamy and Markus Heyder on {‘Protecting Privacy in a World of Big Data: http://www.scl.org/site.aspx?i=ed47678}. Bojana and Joachim are speakers at the IFCLA Conference 2016.

Two earlier taster articles were from {Kenny Robertson on FinTech: http://www.scl.org/site.aspx?i=ed47629} – and {Indra Spiecker genannt Doehmann on the effects ‘Industry 4.0’ will have on the legal system and the ‘contrat social’: http://www.scl.org/site.aspx?i=ed47630}.

Our taster articles, selected from those that will appear in Computers & Law, cannot reflect the full issue. And the magazine has space for only a quarter of the speakers at the IFCLA Conference. To get the full IFCLA Conference experience and to hear the full range of international speakers, including a series of top names and keynotes from Professor Richard Susskind OBE and tech guru Misha Dohler, you will have to attend the Conference itself.