In the August 2022 response to its Call for Views about SEPs, the IPO committed to continued assessment of the issues raised, including further analysis of the submitted evidence and additional evidence-gathering. It also committed to reporting its findings to Ministers in 2023. Since then, the IPO has launched a questionnaire for SMEs, small-cap and…

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The Chancellor has delivered the Spring Budget 2024. The key issues of interest to tech lawyers are set out below. University spin-outs At the Autumn Statement 2023, the UK government announced that it had accepted the recommendations in Professor Irene Tracey’s and Doctor Andrew Williamson’s independent review of university spin-outs. With the aim of helping…

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Last week, the European Commission informed Adobe of its preliminary view that its proposed acquisition of Figma may reduce competition in the global markets for the supply of interactive product design software and of other creative design software. The CMA has now provisionally found that Adobe’s deal to buy Figma would be likely to harm…

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The European Commission has informed Adobe of its preliminary view that its proposed acquisition of Figma may reduce competition in the global markets for the supply of interactive product design software and of other creative design software. Adobe is a global software company offering, among other things, creative design software tools (for example, Illustrator and…

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Jurisdiction Recent developments and current approach Abu Dhabi Middle ground approach – ICOs potentially treated as securities, cryptocurrencies are commodities. The Financial Services Regulatory Authority released guidelines on ICOs and digital currencies on 9 October 2017 – stating that: ICOs may be viewed as securities depending on the circumstances; and digital currencies are not considered…

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