Join SCL for an exciting collaborative online event with the Indian law firm Poovayya & Co.
Get ready to explore a topic at the forefront of legal and technological innovation as experts from the UK and India come together to discuss, “The new wave of AI-based decision making: Is there a right to human decisions in common law adjudication?Internal Booking Form – Tech of Tech Law”
Whilst the European Union and China are at advanced stages of legislating on multiple aspects of AI, some jurisdictions are adopting a watchful approach to regulating its development. An arena where AI will have a significant impact is in the resolution of disputes, and this discussion aims to unpack the advantages and inevitable concerns with replacing humans with AI in adjudicatory processes.
Our panel of international experts will discuss key topics around AI decision-making across the major legal systems, giving attendees the opportunity to gain a comprehensive view of the ongoing regulatory and policy discussions surrounding AI and dispute resolution.
Don’t miss out on this special webinar where our expert speakers will share their insights, perspectives, and ideas at the forefront of AI and legal discussions.
Dharmendra Chatur, Partner, Poovayya & Co.
Confirmed speakers include:
Matthew Lavy KC, 4 Pump Court. SCL Trustee.
Minesh Tanna, Partner and Global AI Lead, Simmons & Simmons. Chair of the SCL AI Group and SCL Trustee
Aziz Huq, Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law School
Sajan Poovayya, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India.
Manu Kulkarni, Partner, Head of Dispute Resolution, Poovayya & Co.
Administration notes:
The cost of attending this event is £40 + VAT (£48)
To make your booking please click here
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VAT invoices will be issued to all delegates.
Fees can be paid by cheque (cheques should be made payable to “Society for Computers and Law”), Mastercard, Visa or bank transfer. All invoices for attendance at this meeting must be paid within 30 days of the invoice date or prior to the date of this event whichever is earlier.
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Please note the booking terms and conditions which apply to all SCL events: Application online or by email constitutes a firm booking and an undertaking to pay the webinar fee. As this event will be recorded – cancellations will not be accepted.
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It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of SCL to change the venue, content or timing of an event or to substitute speakers. The safety and well-being of our delegates are paramount and therefore in-person events may be converted to online events due to government restrictions or travel disruption.