SCL IT Disputes Group webinar: “How to Win a Tech Arbitration”

£42.00 (Member price)

This pack contains a webinar.
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Gideon Shirazi, Barrister and Arbitrator, 4 Pump Court

Alex Charlton QC, Barrister and Arbitrator, 4 Pump Court
Gill Hunt, IT Expert, Hunt Lancaster
Jenny Lau, Head of Arbitration, iLaw

Tech arbitrations are a specialist form of dispute resolution; and a specialist type of arbitration. In this event, our experienced panel of tech arbitration specialists will discuss some of the big topics to help you win your tech arbitration.

This SCL Disputes event will take the format of a panel discussion with time for audience participation. The topics covered will include a selection of:

1. How to choose your arbitrator

2. Pleadings and memorials – the practicalities of putting together tech pleadings and memorials in complex arbitrations

3. Disclosure – the problems with working through the large mass of documents produced in tech disputes

4. Experts – which do you need? When should you engage them? Should they report first or meet first?

5. Interim applications and tactics

6. Arbitration hearings