Be Trained . . . Get Accredited: Introducing the SCL Foundations of IT Law Programme

October 15, 2013

Practising IT Law is not for the faint-hearted. At any moment you could be asked to advise on any number of issues, from the liabilities and risks in an IT supply contract, through data protection of employee records to complex e-commerce issues. All the advice you give must be thoroughly grounded in the relevant law and infused with practical insight into how it meshes with evolving new technologies.

To help, we are launching the SCL Foundations of IT Law Programme, which builds on the popular “Back to Basics” seminars and articles, and is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of everything an SCL member practising IT law should know.

Over the next two years the SCL will establish a rolling programme of 10 seminars which will cover all the key areas of practice in IT law including software licensing , Internet law, outsourcing law and practice, procuring IT goods and services, data protection and cloud.  By attending the seminar programme you can be confident that you will have the know-how and understanding to advise effectively across the whole range of IT law issues.   

… and SCL Accreditation

Attendance at these events will also count towards the revamped SCL Accreditation scheme.  Under the scheme you will have the chance to become an accredited member of the Society which will mark you out as true specialist practitioner in IT law. The full scheme rules are still being finalised but will be built around the knowledge gained through the Foundation programme.

What next?

The launch event in the Programme, covering software licensing, will take place on Monday 25 November 2013 at 4 pm at Wragge & Co in London (Speakers: Ian Karet, Linklaters LLP, Toby Crick, Bristows LLP and Peter Hall, Wragge & Co LLP).  Look out for more details on

The SCL Foundation of IT Law course is also the perfect introduction to a wide range of IT law issues for more junior team members.  Please tell your training manager about the SCL Foundations of IT Law Programme so that your firm can embed this course into your internal training schedule. 

Significant discounts will be available to those who book multiple sessions in advance.  See details of the programme – modules 1-10 here