
August 31, 2003

Even the least observant are bound to notice a new look to the magazine. We have redesigned and now celebrate the fact that the world is enriched by colour. I am delighted to welcome a new design from Ken Planter and hope that we can do it justice with articles of matching vibrancy.

For those who worry about money (and after all it is your money), I can reassure you that we are now printing in full colour at considerably less than the cost of printing with some colour a year ago. We also hope that the new, modestly flash look will attract more advertising and be totally cost-effective.

For those who worry about quality, I can assure you that I will not be seduced into prizing image over content and get carried away with producing pointless pictures (at least not for long); high quality articles will continue to be the mainstay of the magazine. And always remember that, if you feel that quality dips or that the articles you seek do not appear in the magazine – I really do want to hear from you. It is as much in sharing questions as in sharing answers that SCL and the magazine will prosper – we can only provide the answers when we know what areas need to be covered. Certainly I continue to be educated by the articles in the magazine – as one who once thought outsourcing was what you did at the chip shop and that SAML was missing a Jackson, I am now much enlightened.

For those who don’t worry at all, enjoy!